Monday, December 14, 2009
The last straw
Most are familiar with the old phrases; “ The last straw” or “The straw that broke the camel’s back” The idea is that a long period of patiently waiting for change and not seeing any finally brings that patience to an end with one last action. Since the 1920s, America had practiced following after the gods of philosophy, pleasure, and government. Even though many Americans still followed God, the majority had turned away from the God of their fathers. Schools began to teach evolution and reject the Biblical account of Creation. Humanism replaced the teaching of Biblical morality. The family came under the attacks of television, movies, and other forms of hedonism. The people turned to government to solve more and more of their problems as government spending sky rocketed. Finally, in 1962, America made the ultimate slap in God’s face. The event was a Supreme Court case known as Engel V Vitale which officially removed prayer from public schools. The case declared that a simple prayer in school was a violation of the Separation of Church and state. Imagine the very school system that had declared that the purpose of education was to teach religion, morals and knowledge, was now being made to abandon two of those elements. A year later, the Supreme court decided to remove Bible reading from the public school system. America had officially declared their turning away from the God of Heaven. This was the last straw in our forgetting of our powerful friend as Ben Franklin had warned. Since that time, our schools have become violent, lowered their standards, and lost their prominence in the world. Our society has seen an increase in divorce, abortion, and a general decline in morals. I believe that since 1962, America has experienced what it is like when God turns His back on a rebellious people. We now face financial collapse, political corruption, endless wars, and Spiritual weakness. God has made it clear in his Word that sin is a reproach to any people. America’s only hope is to return to God. If we will not do it as a nation, we must at least individually return to Biblical living.
Monday, December 7, 2009
God can be seen even in the darkest of times
Whenever something tragic occurs on a personal or national level, the following question usually follows; “How could a loving God allow this to happen, and why didn’t He do something to help”? The truth is that while we live here on earth, we may never be able to understand many of the circumstances that God allows us to endure. For Job, it was to test and strengthen his faith, for Israel in the Old Testament it was punishment for sin, and for Christ it was to save mankind from their sin. However, even in difficult situations the hand of God can be seen. Perhaps the greatest example of human suffering in modern times was during the Holocaust. Hitler and his Nazi party systematically rounded up millions of Jews and put them to death. Jews were worked until they could do no more, and then they were put in gas chambers and then burned. This unimaginable hatred and wickedness caused many Jews and Gentiles to question the love or even the existence of God. While it is impossible to know the mind of God as to why He allowed this suffering, it is possible to see some good to come out of this horrible chapter in history. After the Holocaust was made known to the world at the end of World War II, many nations around the world recognized the need for a Jewish state. Israel had been out of their land since the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The Jews had been forced to live in exile all over the world since the first century. God used the massive outpouring of sympathy for the plight of the Jews after World War II to move countries to form the nation of Israel in 1948. Hitler’s plan was to destroy the Jews and set up a super race of Arians. God’s plan was to defeat the designs of wicked dictators, and allow the return of His people to the Promised Land. Hitler and those who followed him were responsible for the Holocaust, but God was able to take that tragedy and turn it into something that has been a blessing to the Jewish people for the last sixty years.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
God's hand in a day which will live in infamy
December 7, 1941 was a day that will live in infamy. The attack on Pearl Harbor marked the beginning of the United States involvement in World War II. Japanese planes attacked our forces, destroyed many of our ships and airplanes, and killed over 2400 of our military personnel. In the midst of all of this destruction and suffering, we still can see the hand of God. One of the goals of the Japanese attack was to cripple our navy in order to gain control of the Pacific. However, all of our Aircraft carriers had left the night before to practice maneuvers to remain battle ready. The attack did not cripple our Navy at all, God allowed us to keep the most important part of our defense. Some suggest that because we had broken the Japanese code, we knew they were coming so that is why we moved our Aircraft Carriers out of harms way. The bottom line is that they were spared, and America was spared also.
Another example of God’s hand of in World War II was seen during the battle of Midway. The Battle of Midway was the turning point in the battle of the Pacific. If Japan won, than the United States would have been helpless to stop their conquest of the Pacific islands. The Japanese had the advantage in numbers of ships and planes. The only advantage held by the Americans was the element of surprise. The Japanese sent out planes to find out the location of the enemies’ aircraft carriers. One of the Japanese planes spotted the American Aircraft carriers, but when they went to radio the location, their radio went dead. The Americans were able to take the Japanese by complete surprise, and were able to change the course of the war. Was is just luck, or was the God of the airwaves working His will at a key moment of history. I believe that God wanted America to help the forces of freedom defeat dictatorship, in order for His Word to be able to continue being spread across the world.
Another example of God’s hand of in World War II was seen during the battle of Midway. The Battle of Midway was the turning point in the battle of the Pacific. If Japan won, than the United States would have been helpless to stop their conquest of the Pacific islands. The Japanese had the advantage in numbers of ships and planes. The only advantage held by the Americans was the element of surprise. The Japanese sent out planes to find out the location of the enemies’ aircraft carriers. One of the Japanese planes spotted the American Aircraft carriers, but when they went to radio the location, their radio went dead. The Americans were able to take the Japanese by complete surprise, and were able to change the course of the war. Was is just luck, or was the God of the airwaves working His will at a key moment of history. I believe that God wanted America to help the forces of freedom defeat dictatorship, in order for His Word to be able to continue being spread across the world.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Miracles at Dunkirk and Britain
One of the consequences of the Great Depression, was the rise of Dictators in several key countries. Germany, Russia, Japan, and Italy, all willingly gave total power to a man who promised to bring them back to greatness. These dictators were not content to control one country, and soon began taking over country after country. Adolf Hitler especially was successful with his campaign to recover all of the territory that had been lost to Germany in World War I. Hitler seemed unstoppable as he took Austria, Czechoslovakia, and finally Poland. Hitler then turned his attention to France. The French were totally unprepared for Hitler’s Blitzkrieg, and found themselves trapped at Dunkirk. Hitler’s troops were only about ten miles away, and stood poised for the complete destruction of the French army. Here we find the beginning of a series of events often referred to as “The miracle of Dunkirk.” Hitler ordered his Panzers to stop, and allow the German Air force to destroy the enemy as they attempted to cross the English channel to safety . As the German Air force arrived, a dense fog appeared and protected many of the boats as they made the crossing. During the ten days that troops were evacuated, seven of those days had the thick fog. Most of the time the Luftwaffe (German air force) had to return to Germany with their bombs still with them. Also, during this time the English channel was unusually calm. Many remarked that they never remembered the Channel being so placid for such a long period. After the evacuation was complete, large breakers rolled up on to the beach, almost as if a hand that had been holding them back, had released control of the waters.
When Hitler realized that the fog had rendered his Luftwaffe useless, he ordered his tanks to advance. However, a large storm caused the tanks to be delayed for several days. By the time they were able to move, all but about forty thousand troops had been able to flee to England. When the evacuation at Dunkirk had begun, it was estimated that the best they could hope for would be to have 40-50 thousand men rescued. When the evacuation was finished, there were over three Hundred and fifty thousand men saved. Had Hitler been able to cut off their escape, it is doubtful if France of England would have been able to carry out much more of a resistance.
Hitler then decided to attack Britain in what is known as the battle of Britain. Here again he made two incredible mistakes. First he decided to attack by air instead of by sea, Britain could have easily been invaded and taken. Instead he bombed England day after day with the intent to bomb them into submission. Hitler’s second mistake was the decision to abandon the research on radar. He felt it was not as important as developing missiles. The English did develop radar, and it helped the British air force to defeat the Germans.
How can we explain all of these incredible mistakes by a leader who up to this time had done no wrong in his ability to take one country after another? I believe that Proverbs 21:1 gives us the answer. “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.” God caused Hitler to do those things that would change the outcome of the war to His will. God works through fog, calm water, storms, and even in the decisions of evil men. Germany would never again have an opportunity to end the war in one great battle.
When Hitler realized that the fog had rendered his Luftwaffe useless, he ordered his tanks to advance. However, a large storm caused the tanks to be delayed for several days. By the time they were able to move, all but about forty thousand troops had been able to flee to England. When the evacuation at Dunkirk had begun, it was estimated that the best they could hope for would be to have 40-50 thousand men rescued. When the evacuation was finished, there were over three Hundred and fifty thousand men saved. Had Hitler been able to cut off their escape, it is doubtful if France of England would have been able to carry out much more of a resistance.
Hitler then decided to attack Britain in what is known as the battle of Britain. Here again he made two incredible mistakes. First he decided to attack by air instead of by sea, Britain could have easily been invaded and taken. Instead he bombed England day after day with the intent to bomb them into submission. Hitler’s second mistake was the decision to abandon the research on radar. He felt it was not as important as developing missiles. The English did develop radar, and it helped the British air force to defeat the Germans.
How can we explain all of these incredible mistakes by a leader who up to this time had done no wrong in his ability to take one country after another? I believe that Proverbs 21:1 gives us the answer. “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.” God caused Hitler to do those things that would change the outcome of the war to His will. God works through fog, calm water, storms, and even in the decisions of evil men. Germany would never again have an opportunity to end the war in one great battle.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
America turns to government instead of God
Much has been written concerning the major causes of the Great Depression. Some blame tariffs, some point to over production of goods, and still others point to speculation in the stock market and easy credit. However, I believe that the ultimate cause of the Great Depression is found in America’s turning from God in the 1920s. The Bible clearly teaches that when and individual or a nation turns from God, then God removes His hand of Blessing. For hundreds of years America had enjoyed the mercy of God. We had great economic, educational, physical, and Spiritual blessings. God had delivered us from wars, recessions, and many natural disasters. In 1929, America experienced the total melt down of its economy. When this type of trouble had occurred in the past, many Americans turned to family, neighbors, and especially God and the Church. Instead of turning to these, we as a nation turned to Government for deliverance. Franklin Roosevelt promised that the government would provide a New Deal to bring our country back to prosperity. Roosevelt used deficit spending to put people back to work, and rebuild our economy. Ever since, whenever there has been any type of disaster, the majority of Americans have demanded that the government needs to do something to solve the problem. We have exchanged the God of Heaven for the God of Government.
Another example of God withdrawing His hand of blessing on America during the Great Depression, was the Dust Bowl. During the mid 1930s America experienced one of its greatest droughts. All told, during the 1930s, about 150,000 square miles of farmland in the heart of the country were stripped of their top soil, which was deposited hundreds of miles away. (Family Encyclopedia of American History) Psalm 104 tells of God’s control over nature. In verses 13 and 14, we read “He waters the hills from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man, that he may bring forth food from the earth.” These verses show God’s Providential control of nature. When America turned to government for their deliverance, God turned his had of blessing away from America.
Today there is much discussion concerning the role of Government in our lives. Many feel that Government can solve every problem we have. The truth is that the only real solution to our nations' problems is to return to the God of our fathers, and perhaps He will return His hand of blessing.
Another example of God withdrawing His hand of blessing on America during the Great Depression, was the Dust Bowl. During the mid 1930s America experienced one of its greatest droughts. All told, during the 1930s, about 150,000 square miles of farmland in the heart of the country were stripped of their top soil, which was deposited hundreds of miles away. (Family Encyclopedia of American History) Psalm 104 tells of God’s control over nature. In verses 13 and 14, we read “He waters the hills from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man, that he may bring forth food from the earth.” These verses show God’s Providential control of nature. When America turned to government for their deliverance, God turned his had of blessing away from America.
Today there is much discussion concerning the role of Government in our lives. Many feel that Government can solve every problem we have. The truth is that the only real solution to our nations' problems is to return to the God of our fathers, and perhaps He will return His hand of blessing.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
America's turning point
Many times over the years, students have asked; “If America was a Christian nation, why is it like it is today?” That is a good question. Today we have abortion on demand, homo-sexual marriage, prayer and Bible reading have been removed from our schools, and Evolution is taught as a fact. How could a nation whose foundations were so strong Spiritually, have become so Humanistic? The turning point for America’s turning away from God seems to have begun in the 1920s. American history books refer to this period as the Roaring Twenties. It was a time of great advancement and prosperity. However, it was also a time when many anti-Christian forces began their assault on America’s Christian values. There were at least five different forces that worked to turn American away from God during this period. The first was materialism. In the 1920s there was a great emphasis on fashions and fads. Flappers showed off their contempt for the conventional roles of woman with short hair and shorter skirts. People began spending time listening to entertainment on the radio, and going to Nickelodeons to watch the latest movies. There was a new interest in Marathon dancing and setting foolish records. The Bible warns about the dangers of loving the world and the things that are in the world. God tells us that if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in them. Many Christians began spending time with sports as well. Instead of the heroes of the day being great political or Spiritual leaders, their heroes were Babe Ruth, Bobby Jones, and Jack Dempsey.
Another anti-Christian force in the Twenties, was the beginning of the Communist party in the United States. The Goal of Communism was to bring down Capitalism, but it was also anti-Christian. Marx said that religion was the enemy of the masses. Communism desired to remove Christianity from public life. Groups like the ACLU may not have been started by Communists, but they have certainly worked to accomplish their goals. Communists infiltrated our government, our colleges, our Churches, and just about every aspect of our nation. Even today there are many who embrace its philosophy of Government controlling the nations economy, and removing Christianity from every part of life.
Another Anti-Christian idea that took off in the twenties, was evolution. In 1925, there was a famous trial called the Scopes monkey trial. The major issue was the teaching of evolution in public schools. The law had made it illegal to teach evolution in public schools, and John Scopes had tested the law by teaching the forbidden subject. The trial found Scopes guilty, and he had to pay a 100 dollar fine. However, the real loser was fundamental Christianity. The press presented evolution as a Scientific fact, and Creation as just another myth. The result was that most public schools soon were teaching evolution and ignoring Creation. The Creation account today had been totally rejected by our academic society. The Bible tells us to “Remember now they Creator in the days of thy youth.” Our youth are no longer being taught about their Creator.
Psychoanalysis was also developed during this time. Sigmund Freud taught that the key to understanding people was to understand their past experience. He denied concepts like sin and the need to repent. This man centered way of thinking became the foundation of modern psychology. Before this time the major way people dealt with their problems was through the Church and the family. God’s Word was all they needed for mental, financial, marital, or Spiritual problems.
The last and probably the most serious, was the rise of Modernism. During the 1920s, many of the mainline Protestant Churches faces a crossroad. The Modernists were those who denied the Fundamentals of the Bible. They denied the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, the Virgin birth of Christ, the Bible being inerrant, and the literal bodily return of Christ. Those who believed these truths, were known as Fundamentalists. During the Twenties, almost every major denomination decided to go with the Modernist camp, and reject Fundamentalism. The Bible believers left the mainline Churches and started their own Churches and Colleges. Today most of America is under the Control of modernist theology. What a shame that the belief of most of our founding fathers has been rejected by most Americans in our society.
It is not hard to see that America began the slow retreat from being a Christian nation in the 1920s. Things changed gradually, but today the change is very evident. America is no longer a Christian nation. God still is working, and is still in control of history, but His hand is harder to see in later American history. America’s only hope is to have another turning point. We need Christians to turn their backs on the Humanism of today’s American culture, and return to the Truth of God’s Word.
Another anti-Christian force in the Twenties, was the beginning of the Communist party in the United States. The Goal of Communism was to bring down Capitalism, but it was also anti-Christian. Marx said that religion was the enemy of the masses. Communism desired to remove Christianity from public life. Groups like the ACLU may not have been started by Communists, but they have certainly worked to accomplish their goals. Communists infiltrated our government, our colleges, our Churches, and just about every aspect of our nation. Even today there are many who embrace its philosophy of Government controlling the nations economy, and removing Christianity from every part of life.
Another Anti-Christian idea that took off in the twenties, was evolution. In 1925, there was a famous trial called the Scopes monkey trial. The major issue was the teaching of evolution in public schools. The law had made it illegal to teach evolution in public schools, and John Scopes had tested the law by teaching the forbidden subject. The trial found Scopes guilty, and he had to pay a 100 dollar fine. However, the real loser was fundamental Christianity. The press presented evolution as a Scientific fact, and Creation as just another myth. The result was that most public schools soon were teaching evolution and ignoring Creation. The Creation account today had been totally rejected by our academic society. The Bible tells us to “Remember now they Creator in the days of thy youth.” Our youth are no longer being taught about their Creator.
Psychoanalysis was also developed during this time. Sigmund Freud taught that the key to understanding people was to understand their past experience. He denied concepts like sin and the need to repent. This man centered way of thinking became the foundation of modern psychology. Before this time the major way people dealt with their problems was through the Church and the family. God’s Word was all they needed for mental, financial, marital, or Spiritual problems.
The last and probably the most serious, was the rise of Modernism. During the 1920s, many of the mainline Protestant Churches faces a crossroad. The Modernists were those who denied the Fundamentals of the Bible. They denied the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, the Virgin birth of Christ, the Bible being inerrant, and the literal bodily return of Christ. Those who believed these truths, were known as Fundamentalists. During the Twenties, almost every major denomination decided to go with the Modernist camp, and reject Fundamentalism. The Bible believers left the mainline Churches and started their own Churches and Colleges. Today most of America is under the Control of modernist theology. What a shame that the belief of most of our founding fathers has been rejected by most Americans in our society.
It is not hard to see that America began the slow retreat from being a Christian nation in the 1920s. Things changed gradually, but today the change is very evident. America is no longer a Christian nation. God still is working, and is still in control of history, but His hand is harder to see in later American history. America’s only hope is to have another turning point. We need Christians to turn their backs on the Humanism of today’s American culture, and return to the Truth of God’s Word.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Marksman and a Pigeon
World War I was known as the Great war, and the war to end all wars. This horrible conflict cost Billions of dollars and millions of lives. America was spared for over two years, but eventually was pulled into the awful conflict. Perhaps the most important battle that the United States was involved in was the Meuse-Argonne offensive. During this key battle God showed His hand of intervention in two different parts of the battle. The first was the amazing exploits of Sergeant Alvin York. He was a man who loved God and hated war. He found himself almost alone during the Argonne campaign and facing a machine gun nest. He was able to get into position to pick off many of the enemy, to the point that the Germans surrendered. When the Germans came out and gave themselves up,he realized that he had captured “a tolerable few” In reality he had killed twenty-five Germans, captured 132, and silenced thirty-five machine guns. When he was asked how he was able to accomplish such a feat, he replied , ”We know there were miracles, don’t we? Well this was one. It’s the only way I can figure it”
Another event in the same campaign was the rescue of the Lost Battalion. A group of several hundred American soldiers found themselves surrounded by the enemy. To make matters worse, the American who were in another area were shelling the area right where they were. They were being killed by the big guns of their own side. The only hope for the battalion was to send carrier pigeons to give their position to the other Americans to stop the friendly fire. As the Americans sent each pigeon into the air, the Germens simply shot each one down. Finally the lost battalion was down to its last pigeon. The pigeon named Cher Ami was sent into the air, and quickly shot down. However, she got back up and flew to the other American troops, and the battalion was saved. Cher Ami had one eye gone, her breastbone smashed, and one leg shot off, but God had allowed her to make it to her destination. The Bible says that God knows even when a sparrow falls to the ground. In this case, He reached down and picked up a pigeon. God saved hundred of men using one of our nations most unusual heroes. Many times we use the excuse “God could never use me, I just don’t have any ability. If God can use an uneducated marksman, and a pigeon, he can certainly use us.
Another event in the same campaign was the rescue of the Lost Battalion. A group of several hundred American soldiers found themselves surrounded by the enemy. To make matters worse, the American who were in another area were shelling the area right where they were. They were being killed by the big guns of their own side. The only hope for the battalion was to send carrier pigeons to give their position to the other Americans to stop the friendly fire. As the Americans sent each pigeon into the air, the Germens simply shot each one down. Finally the lost battalion was down to its last pigeon. The pigeon named Cher Ami was sent into the air, and quickly shot down. However, she got back up and flew to the other American troops, and the battalion was saved. Cher Ami had one eye gone, her breastbone smashed, and one leg shot off, but God had allowed her to make it to her destination. The Bible says that God knows even when a sparrow falls to the ground. In this case, He reached down and picked up a pigeon. God saved hundred of men using one of our nations most unusual heroes. Many times we use the excuse “God could never use me, I just don’t have any ability. If God can use an uneducated marksman, and a pigeon, he can certainly use us.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
God delivers the Goforths
The Boxer Rebellion took place in China in 1900. Even though the event happened on the other side of the world, God showed His power in the lives of two American missionaries. The Boxers were native Chinese who resented foreigners in their country, and especially foreign missionaries. They began to attack the missionaries, and killed several hundred Christians. In the midst of this tragedy God showed his hand of deliverance to Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth. The Goforths were forced to flee from the city of Hankow, and travel 750 miles over twenty four days. During this trip, they were repeatedly attacked by the Boxers. When an attacker tried to cut off Jonathan Goforth’s head with his sword, the sword struck him in the neck, but with the flat edge. Another man on horseback tried to trample him. Though they were on smooth ground, the horse fell, and his body formed a barrier around Goforth until he could regain his footing. The Goforths escaped each attack and finally made it to safety . Why did God choose to save this missionary family and not all the others? God only knows the time he had set for each of us to depart this life. “It is appointed unto men once to die, and then the judgement” God not only works in the nations and on the large scale of world events, God also deals with the details of individual lives.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Two men who stood in the Gap
Ezekiel 22:30 records these tragic words, “I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” Throughout history, God has been looking for those who are willing to stand for truth and stay His hand of judgment. After the Civil war, God found such a leader in the person of Dwight L. Moody. D. L. Moody was brought to Christ by his Sunday school teacher Edward Kimbell in 1856. A short while later Moody was challenged by message that he heard where the speaker said that the world had never seen what God could do with a person who was totally sold out to the Lord. Moody resolved that with God’s help that he would be that man. Moody began his evangelistic ministry in 1865, and continued it until his death in 1899. He was one of the first Evangelists to recognize the importance of a great song director. He had Ira Sankey as his song leader, and together they influenced the lives of millions. At a time where our country was divided and decimated, Moody was used by God to bring Spiritual hope and healing to our land. Moody also started the Moody Bible institute which trained hundreds of missionaries that helped to make the 1800s the great century of missions.
Just as D.L. Moody’s ministry was coming to a close, God chose another man to “stand in the Gap”, and that man was Billy Sunday. Billy Sunday had been a very successful baseball player in the 1880s. One day while he was sitting outside of a bar, he was invited to the Pacific Garden Mission. He decided to go and receive Christ as his Lord and Savior. By 1895 he had dedicated his life the preaching of God’s word. Billy Sunday preached with a very powerful and athletic style of preaching. He teamed up with Homer Rodeheaver as his song leader and they were able to see at least one million people come to Christ. Billy Sunday also was known for speaking out against sin. One excerpt from one of his sermons that demonstrated this is the following; “I believe half of the professing Christians amount to nothing as a spiritual force. They go to Church, have a kindly regard for religion, but as for having a firm grip on God… and a willingness to strike hard, staggering blows against the devil, they are almost failures.” Billy Sunday definitely struck hard, staggering blows against satan throughout his ministry.
Between the preaching of Moody and Sunday, America experienced its last Great Awakening. We as a nation have not had nationwide revival since the 1920s. Today more than ever we need men to stand in the gap. Hopefully God will not have to say “I found none”.
Just as D.L. Moody’s ministry was coming to a close, God chose another man to “stand in the Gap”, and that man was Billy Sunday. Billy Sunday had been a very successful baseball player in the 1880s. One day while he was sitting outside of a bar, he was invited to the Pacific Garden Mission. He decided to go and receive Christ as his Lord and Savior. By 1895 he had dedicated his life the preaching of God’s word. Billy Sunday preached with a very powerful and athletic style of preaching. He teamed up with Homer Rodeheaver as his song leader and they were able to see at least one million people come to Christ. Billy Sunday also was known for speaking out against sin. One excerpt from one of his sermons that demonstrated this is the following; “I believe half of the professing Christians amount to nothing as a spiritual force. They go to Church, have a kindly regard for religion, but as for having a firm grip on God… and a willingness to strike hard, staggering blows against the devil, they are almost failures.” Billy Sunday definitely struck hard, staggering blows against satan throughout his ministry.
Between the preaching of Moody and Sunday, America experienced its last Great Awakening. We as a nation have not had nationwide revival since the 1920s. Today more than ever we need men to stand in the gap. Hopefully God will not have to say “I found none”.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
When good men stand in God's way
During the Civil war, there were Godly Christians fighting on both sides. When the North and South would pray for God’s guidance and for victory, how could God answer the prayers of both? Was God for the North, or was God for the South? The problem with that question is that it assumes that God takes sides. God was not a Northerner or Southerner. God has had a plan for men and nations since the beginning of time. God raised up America in order to have a nation of wealth, education, freedom, and Spiritual desire, in order to fulfill the Great commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person. In the 1800s, America was in the process of fulfilling that command. The 1800s have been called the Great Century of missions. When men act in accordance with God’s will, then they can expect His aid. Therefore, the question is never whose side is God on, but rather are we doing that which is consistent with His will.
Thomas Stonewall Jackson was a Godly Christian General for the Southern army. He had led thousands of men in revival during the first several years of the war. He was also General Lee’s right hand man, who had helped Lee defeat the Northern army in almost every battle. During the battle of Chancellorsville, Jackson was out scouting the enemy lines when he was shot by one of his own men. Jackson died several days later from this unfortunate accident. General Lee was devastated by the loss of this great friend and leader. The next major battle in the Civil war was the Battle of Gettysburg. The first two days of the battle were basically a draw. The third day of Gettysburg featured the infamous Pickett’s charge. Lee ordered his men to go across an open field in order to drive the Union off Cemetery Ridge. The effort was a disaster and basically ended the South’s chances to win the war. Would Lee have decided to try the charge had Stonewall Jackson still been alive? This demonstrates a principle from Scripture, that God will remove those who stand in His way. Jackson needed to be taken home in order for the North to fulfill God’s will to keep the Union together and to end the wicked practice of slavery. Sincerity and good intentions are never enough to be sure of God’s blessing. We must constantly seek to do the Will of God by following the Word of God. Remember the Apostle Paul thought he was doing God’s will by killing Christians. God in His Grace reached down and showed him his will. If we stand in God’s way, God will remove the obstacle one way or another.
Thomas Stonewall Jackson was a Godly Christian General for the Southern army. He had led thousands of men in revival during the first several years of the war. He was also General Lee’s right hand man, who had helped Lee defeat the Northern army in almost every battle. During the battle of Chancellorsville, Jackson was out scouting the enemy lines when he was shot by one of his own men. Jackson died several days later from this unfortunate accident. General Lee was devastated by the loss of this great friend and leader. The next major battle in the Civil war was the Battle of Gettysburg. The first two days of the battle were basically a draw. The third day of Gettysburg featured the infamous Pickett’s charge. Lee ordered his men to go across an open field in order to drive the Union off Cemetery Ridge. The effort was a disaster and basically ended the South’s chances to win the war. Would Lee have decided to try the charge had Stonewall Jackson still been alive? This demonstrates a principle from Scripture, that God will remove those who stand in His way. Jackson needed to be taken home in order for the North to fulfill God’s will to keep the Union together and to end the wicked practice of slavery. Sincerity and good intentions are never enough to be sure of God’s blessing. We must constantly seek to do the Will of God by following the Word of God. Remember the Apostle Paul thought he was doing God’s will by killing Christians. God in His Grace reached down and showed him his will. If we stand in God’s way, God will remove the obstacle one way or another.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Saratoga of the Civil war
The Civil war is considered to be one of the most significant events in United States history. It is impossible to understand America today, without understanding the events that took place during the Civil war era. There were many battles that had a great bearing on the outcome of the war. However, many historians point to the Battle of Antietam as the turning point of the war. Some have even referred to this battle as the Saratoga of the Civil war. The Battle took on great importance when Europe and especially Great Britain offered to help the South if they won the battle. If the South had won and Europe had joined them, it is very probable that the war would have turned out differently. During the Revolutionary war, the French had told the colonists they would join them if they won the battle of Saratoga. That victory changed the face of the war and helped America defeat the British. Also, President Lincoln had promised himself and God that he would issue a proclamation to free the slaves if the North won the battle. With all of these things on the line, we would expect to see God’s hand of intervention. The whole key to General Lee’s plan was to surprise the Union by attacking the Northern States. By taking the war to the North he hoped to persuade the North to give up the effort to re-unite the states. On September 13, a Union private found three cigars wrapped in papers that turned out to be Lee’s orders to one of the generals. The orders revealed Lee’s plans as to where he intended to go for the attack. Once Lee learned that his plans had been discovered by the Union, he was forced to take a defensive position at Antietam Creek. The battle was basically a draw, with both sides experiencing 12,000 casualties. Lee was then forced to return to the South, unable to accomplish anything that he had set out to do. Was it luck of chance that allowed the North to find the South’s plans? I believe that God is constantly working to bring about His will. As a result of this battle, Lincoln gave his Emancipation Proclamation and changed the North’s motivation for the war. Now they were fighting for the freedom of the slaves. Also, without the help of England and the rest of Europe, the South lost its only chance to win the war outright. The Battle of Antietam was clearly one of the greatest examples of God’s hand in American history.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
God's man for God's time
“Wisdom and power belong to Him. And it is He who changes the times and the epochs. He removes kings and establishes kings.”( Daniel 2:20-21) One of the ways in which God’s hand of Providence is seen, is in His removing and establishing of leaders. Roman 13:1 states that all authority is established by God. God has been placing people in office, and removing others for millenniums. Just prior to the Civil war, America had been plagued with poor Presidential leadership. Men like Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan, had done very little to keep our country from being ripped apart by the events of the 1850s. James Buchanan for instance, had decided to do nothing when he was informed that several of the southern states had left the Union. He said that he would just let the new President deal with the matter. During the crucial time of our country dividing into two parts, God raised up a man named Abraham Lincoln to bring the country back together. Lincoln was known for his honesty and strong character. He was a great student of the Bible, and often quoted God’s word in his speeches. Perhaps his most famous quote from the Bible was during the debates with Stephen Douglas; “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25) Abraham Lincoln often stated that he prayed for God’s guidance during the war, and felt that God answered his prayers. Not only did God use Lincoln to preserve the Union, but he also ended slavery. When the North won the Civil war, it marked the end of the wicked practice of one group of people owning another, just because of their color of skin. Abraham Lincoln was not perfect, and there are many who question many of his actions. However, no one can argue that he turned out to be God’s man for doing the will of God in God’s time. Today, we must keep in mind that even if we do not agree with the authority that God has given us, we still need to respect and submit to that authority as unto God.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Third Great Awakening
By the late 1850s, it was clear that our nation was heading into a Civil War. One writer had this to say about the time period “Stripped of their self-dependence, and in despair, men again found time to think on their need of God.” It was during the year of 1857 that one man in particular was moved to take action. Jeremiah Lanphier, a missionary from New York City, began inviting families to join him in prayer for revival. He widely advertised the prayer meetings for noon at the Fulton Street North Dutch Church. At the scheduled time, he was the only one there. He began to pray and soon several other people joined him. They agreed to have a prayer meeting each week. By the third week they had over forty people at the prayer meeting. At that point they agreed to meet daily at noon for prayer. Within four months the Church was overflowing with those desiring to pray for their need of revival. By the Spring of 1858, over twenty other Churches were conducting prayer meetings all over the New York City area. The Prayer meetings spread to Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, and many other cities throughout the Northeastern United States. The major feature of all of these prayer meetings was prayer, although usually one of the layman read a passage of Scripture. Some historians have estimated that as many as half a million people were saved as a result of the Prayer meeting revivals. The story does not end there. In several countries in Europe, most notably Wales, they had been praying for years for revival. When news of the Prayer meeting revival reached Europe, it encouraged the Spiritual leaders to pray even more earnestly. The Welsh revival was one of the most powerful displays of Holy Spirit revival in Church history. Think about it, all of this was brought on by one man with a burden to pray for God’s Holy Spirit to bring men and woman back to Himself.
The Southern states also experienced revival, but it came in a completely different way. Most of the Southern revival was led by two of their greatest military leaders, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee. Under the leadership of these two men, many Confederate soldiers were brought to Christ As soldiers saw the reality of Christ in their leadership, it caused many of them to turn to Christ during the Civil war. Southern historians estimate that as many as 100,000 Confederate soldiers were converted during the course of the war. The Southern revival combined with the prayer meeting revivals in the North, are often referred to as the third Great Awakening. God knew that America needed to be Spiritually strong in order to survive the horrors of a Civil War. Praise God for Godly leaders that saw the need for prayer and Spiritual power during these dark days of our nation’s history.
The Southern states also experienced revival, but it came in a completely different way. Most of the Southern revival was led by two of their greatest military leaders, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee. Under the leadership of these two men, many Confederate soldiers were brought to Christ As soldiers saw the reality of Christ in their leadership, it caused many of them to turn to Christ during the Civil war. Southern historians estimate that as many as 100,000 Confederate soldiers were converted during the course of the war. The Southern revival combined with the prayer meeting revivals in the North, are often referred to as the third Great Awakening. God knew that America needed to be Spiritually strong in order to survive the horrors of a Civil War. Praise God for Godly leaders that saw the need for prayer and Spiritual power during these dark days of our nation’s history.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Gold and the goodness of God
Throughout much of the history of the United States, God’s providential control has been seen through His timing of events. Two great examples of God’s timing can be seen in the acquisition of California and Alaska. California was added to America after the war with Mexico as part of the Mexican Cession. When we defeated Mexico in 1848, we gave them 15 million dollars in exchange for the territory that now makes up the Southwest United States. The War with Mexico had been debated greatly. There were many who felt the United States had provoked Mexico into war just to gain more territory. Even though the way we got the land may not have been God’s way, God allowed us to get the land just in time. The way things worked out remind me of the conversation Joseph had with his brothers in Egypt. Joseph told his brothers; “you meant it for evil but God meant it for good” Often God will take a selfish act of man and turn it into something good. We signed the treaty and took possession of California just weeks before Gold was discovered by Sutter’s mill. Soon thousands of prospectors were flocking to California in search of great wealth. Had the Mexican government known about the Gold in California, they probably never would have sold it to us for such a small amount, if at all. The second example of God’s timing was seen in the purchase of Alaska. Secretary William Seward had been approached by the Russian Authorities that they would be willing to sell the Alaskan territory. When Seward presented the possibility to Congress, he was laughed at and ridiculed. The proposed purchase was labeled “Seward’s Folly”,” Seward’s icebox”, and other such names. Seward was able to buy the land, and it turned out to be a pretty good deal. The land itself cost just a few cents and acre. Then in 1890, gold was discovered in Alaska. Once again, it is doubtful as to whether or not Russia would have sold us the land had they known about the gold just a few years earlier. Russia fell to Communism in 1917, can you imagine the danger we would have been in if Russia controlled Alaska at that time in history. Alaska turned out to be rich in furs, fish, and most of all oil. The purchase of Alaska was an example of God’s mercy and kindness to our country.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The great compromiser
The issue of slavery was always lurking in America’s history, ready to divide and destroy the Union of our nation. During the 1820 to 1850 period, one man helped put off the inevitable clash with his compromises. That man was Henry Clay, who was known as the great compromiser. In 1820 the issue of the expansion of slavery threatened to divide our country. Each side had an equal number of states that were free and slave. The next state to enter the Union threatened to offset the delicate balance. Clay introduced the Missouri compromise, and with it he was able to keep both sides happy for a while. The issue of tariffs also came into play in 1833 when Congress passed the tariff of abominations. This Tariff caused many in the South to consider secession. Clay came up with a compromise that eventually brought the tariff down to normal levels, and peace again was restored. Finally in 1850 California wanted to come into the Union as a free state. This would upset the balance of states that were slave and free. Clay was able to come up with the Compromise of 1850. Even though none of these compromises were able to end slavery or avoid war, they did put off the war for about forty years. God is His mercy was allowing America more time to remove the evil of slavery by vote. How wonderful would it have been if the United States had voted to end slavery like Great Britain did in the mid 1800s. In the early 1850s Henry Clay died, and America lost its champion of Compromise. Less than ten years later, the North and South entered into a Civil War that would change the country forever. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, and His will is for men to solve their problems peaceably. When sinful men refuse to do His will, then He allows war to solve the problem the hard way. We need more men like Henry Clay who are willing to try to make peace. Blessed are the peace makers, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Hopefully we will do things God’s way, and not have to go through the hard way again.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How could a Christian nation practice sin?
Those who say that America was founded as a Christian nation, and that God has taken an active role in the history of our nation, often have difficulty explaining the treatment of Native Americans and the institution of slavery. How could God be involved with a nation that mistreated the original inhabitants of America, and how could God bless a country that actively supported the slave trade? There are no easy answers to those two questions. Obviously God does not condone needless war, breaking treaties, or one group of people owning another. There are two ideas that I have come across over the years that helped me in this matter. The first principle was that we can never judge one generation by our own standards of conduct. Many things that were done hundreds of years ago seem unacceptable by our way of thinking, but were generally accepted by those who lived in that time period. Slavery was a practice that had been accepted for thousands of years. When nations conquered other nations, it was common practice to place the vanquished into the bonds of slavery. When our founding fathers brought the first slaves to America in 1619, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Christians at this time also drank beer, and began smoking tobacco. Today if a Christian practices any of these behaviors, their commitment to Christ would be questioned. This does not justify the practice of slavery, I believe God judged America with the Civil war for their treatment of slaves, but it does help us at least to understand how a man like Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, even though he wrote that all men are created equel. That brings us to the second principle, and that is that all Providence can be put into two categories, mercy of judgment. Many times we think that God only intervenes to help out nations or individuals. However, God often judges men for their sin and selfish behavior. When we say that America was founded as a Christian nation, it does not mean that everything that was done by our founding fathers was right. The treatment of Native Americans of breaking treaties and sending them off to other land was wrong. God judged America with many wars and destruction of property and life. The War of 1812 was partially caused by Indian resentment. The wars in the West from 1870- 1890 were direct results from our unjust treatment of Indians. As was mentioned the Civil War was mainly caused by our failure to end slavery by laws. The civil rights struggles that started in 1950 and still continue today, remind us of the evils of slavery that were tolerated in America for so long. God never condones sin, but He often uses its results to bring about His will. We need to learn from the mistakes of the past, and make sure we do not allow race to continue to be an issue of fear and hatred today. God is often merciful to us and provides victory and peace, but He also judges sin and allows suffering and war. May God have mercy on us and our nation.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
God is there in the highs and the lows
Life is full of high points and low points. The same is true for nations. America had just reached a high point in the early 1800s with the Second Great Awakening, and especially the beginning of the American missionary movement. However, it also experienced one of the darkest events in its history. During the war of 1812, the British were able to scatter a large American military force that was protecting Washington D.C. President Madison and other government leaders were able to escape, but the British troops marched right into our nation’s capitol. The British officers ate food that had been prepared in the President’s mansion. The soldiers went into the Capitol building and took a vote as to whether or not the building should be burned. As you can guess, the vote was unanimous to set the Capitol on fire. They then continued to set the President’s mansion and several other key buildings in our nation’s capitol on fire. It was at this time that God's hand was seen again in our country's history. As the buildings were beginning to burn, a series of thunder storms came roaring in. The fires were put out, with many of our buildings being spared. Even though our country had been humiliated, God kept the damage to a minimum. Many Christians during the war of 1812 felt that the war was God’s judgment for allowing the Constitution to be ratified without any mention of God, and no religious test being required to run for office. The war did turn out to be unnecessary, but even in judgment, God showed His mercy.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ameica's second Great Awakening
One of the greatest ways to seen God’s hand in History, is to study the great revivals that He has allowed America to experience over the last several hundred years. The second Great awakening was a great example of God reaching down and bringing America back to Himself. This revival took place between the years 1795 and 1830. The Revival broke out in many different facets of American life. Camp meetings, Circuit riders, College revivals, missions, and a Great Evangelist, led the way back to God. The most famous of the Camp meetings took place in Cane Ridge Kentucky. People would come from miles away to spend weeks listening to the preaching of God’s word, and praying. Thousands of people came to Christ through these special times dedicated to Spiritual growth. The Circuit riders like Francis Asbury, rode from small church to smaller church to help each small group develop their new found faith. Many of the Circuit riders would minester to over 15 to 20 Churches at one time. The reason there were so many Churces, was due to the thousands of people saved during the Great Revival. It took a while to train enough Pastors to fill all of the pulpits of these new Churches. Another aspect of the Second Great Awakening was the revival led by Timothy Dwight. When Timothy Dwight became the President of Yale University, he estimated that only about one out of one hundred students professed to be Christians. He began inviting Preachers to come and speak to the students, as well as preaching to the students himself. To one senior class he said, "Christ is the only, the true, the living way of access to God. Give up yourselves therefore to Him in cordial confidence, and the great work is done.” Within a few years almost every student in Yale had come to Christ. In the early 1800s several college students ended up seeking shelter under a haystack when a storm came up unexpectedly. As the students began to talk, they realized they all had a great burden for the mission field. One of these students was a young man named Adoniram Judson, who would become America’s first missionary. This meeting, known as the Haystack Prayer meeting, became the beginning of America’s modern missionary movement. The 1800s became known as the great century of missions. The last part of the Second Great Awakening, was the preaching of Charles Finney. Finney used a mixture of emotion and powerful preaching to bring hundreds of thousands of men and woman to Christ. When you put all of these things together, it is easy to see God bringing our nation back to Himself through the power of the Holy Spirit. The key to every part of the Revival was prayer. When God’s people commit themselves to praying for the lost, God has answered that prayer mightily.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sacajawea to the rescue
Sacajawea, the name just seems to flow off the tongue. She was the wife of a French fur trader who was placed in the path of Lewis and Clark as they explored the newly purchased Louisiana Territory. She had been kidnapped from the Shoshone tribe as a child, and they knew she would be valuable as a guide and an interpreter. The exploration party knew that they would need horses to cross the Rocky Mountains, and the Shoshone Indians had plenty of horses. When they arrived at the Indian’s camp, they were all surprised that the chief turned out to be the brother of Sacajawea. She had no idea that he was the chief and had not even seen her brother since she had been kidnapped. The Shoshone were more that willing to provide Lewis and Clark with as many horses as they needed. As they continued on their way Sacajawea proved to be a knowledgeable guide. She also was able to help the exploration party deal with other Indian tribes that they encountered. God had provided Sacajawea to allow the Louisiana Territory to be successfully explored. Years later, Clark said the following to Sacajawea’s husband “Your woman who accompanied you that long dangerous and fatigueing rout to the Pacific Ocian and back diserved a greater reward for her attention and services on that rout than we had in our power to give her.”
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The great bargain
Americans are well known for their love of bargains. Garage sales, flea markets, and blue light specials are a big part of the American desire for the best deal possible. One of the greatest deals in American history was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory in 1803. God graciously provided us with all of the territory from the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains, for about two cents an acre. The United States originally tried to buy just the area around New Orleans from Spain for ten million dollars. The Spanish owned the land at the time and turned down the offer and said they would not sell us any land. Then in 1800 the Spanish secretly signed a treaty giving all of the Louisiana territory to France. While that sounded like an improvement, the French had some disturbing plans for their new land. Napoleon Bonaparte was the Emperor of France and desired to use Louisiana to launch an attack on America. He sent thousands of troops to Haiti to prepare for an attack on America. His plan was to move the troops up to the Mississippi River, build forts, bring in more troops, and then eventually attempt to take over America. God intervened to disrupt this plan by bringing a disease called malaria to Napoleon’s troops. Then a slave revolt erupted in Haiti and killed many more of the soldiers. When France tried to send reinforcements to Haiti, a huge ice storm hit France and the ships were kept from leaving. It has been said that America was saved from invasion by” Ice and insects”. (Malaria is carried by mosquitoes) When Napoleon realized that his plan to take over America was foiled, he decided to sell the territory to America in order to help pay for his upcoming war with Great Britain. Once again we tried to buy the New Orleans area for 10 million dollars, but Napoleon offered the whole territory for 15 million. This area has become the world’s bread basket. Imagine being able to purchase the greatest farm land in the world for about 2 cents an acre. We have a wonderful God , who mercifully protected us from attack and graciously gave us about one third of our country for just a few cents per acre. Next time you try to by some real estate, just remember the great bargain that God provided for America for the Louisiana Territory.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Is the Constitution of the United States a Christian document?
Is the Constitution of the United States a Christian document? Those who say no usually point to the fact that the word God is not mentioned in the Constitution. They also point to the statement that says that the federal government was not allowed to require any religious test in order for someone to hold office. However, what these people fail to understand is the fact that the Constitution is filled with Biblical principles. Some Christian historians have gone so far as to estimate that over ninety percent of the Constitution is directly or indirectly related to the Bible. I would just like to point out a few examples of Biblical ideas found in our national Constitution. The first principle was that of the sinful nature of man being controlled and the power of the government being controlled. James Madison said “You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.” This was seen in such ideas as checks and balances, a Federal system of government, the electoral college, and even in limiting terms. The founding fathers did not trust the sinful nature of man, so they established a Constitutional Republic. They did not want a Democracy and mob rule, so they limited what the people could vote for. The longest section of the Constitution is Article one section eight which limits the power of Congress. It is sad that in today’s political climate our Constitution is being ignored along with Godly principles Another principle was that of the separation of powers. The concept of three branches of government is clearly taught in Isaiah 33:22. “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king. We can clearly see the three branches of judicial, legislative, and executive. Article I section 7 discusses the president’s veto power and says that he will have ten days to act on the bill (Sundays excepted) Our founding fathers included the idea of the Lord’s day not being a work day, but being set aside for worship. Even the phrase concerning no religious test being required by Congress for public office showed their concern for God. The states already had religious tests for those running for office. Many states required men to believe the Bible, believe in the Trinity, and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Article 6 makes it clear that the new government would not interfere with the right of the states to make religious tests, it did not ban them. One final example is the forbidding of Congress to” work no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood. This principle of not punishing someone for the crimes of their parents is found in God’s Word. The last phrase in Article states that a person would only be punished for the life of the person attained. There are many other principles like these, but I think the point has been made. The Declaration mentions God or Providence at least four times. The Constitution mentions Biblical ideas at almost every turn. Anyone who honestly reads the Bible and the Constitution must come to the conclusion that it is a very Christian document.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Conflict at the Convention is calmed
The Constitutional Convention opened on May 25, 1787. The stated purpose was to revise the Articles of Confederation. However, it was soon realized by all in attendance that the Articles were too badly flawed to fix. A new Constitution would need to be written, but they soon found that there were deep disagreements in the group. The North and South argued about slavery and tariffs. The Large states and small states argued about representation. The disagreements became so strong, that at one point the whole Convention seemed to be sinking into chaos and failure. At this crucial point of the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin rose to speak. The following is a part of that speech. “The small progress we have made after four or five weeks, is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of Human understanding. In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor. I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God Governs in the affairs of men. I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.” When the Convention assembled the next day this is what Jonathan Dayton recorded; “We assembled again; and …every unfriendly feeling had been expelled, and a spirit of conciliation had been cultivated.” God had used the conviction of Ben Franklin to open each meeting in prayer, to possibly save our Republic. All of a sudden, compromises were agreed upon, and the Convention produced perhaps the greatest political document that mankind has ever seen. If our constitution could not have been produced without God guiding its authors, how can we continue living in freedom without God’s guidance?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Two very important documents
What was the name of America’s first constitution? Many people would probably say “you mean we had more than one?” Our first Constitution was called the Articles of Confederation. This document was our constitution from 1777-1789. During that twelve year period America struggled greatly, largely due to a lack of power given to the central government. The United States was more like 13 independent countries which were only loosely connected by the common cause of war against Britain. Once the war was over, it was clear that the Articles of Confederation were not strong enough to control this new nation. However, there was one great achievement of the government during this time that is often overlooked. The Writing of two great documents; The Land Ordinance of 1785, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, had a profound effect on the development of America. These two documents laid down three important principles that guided our territories in the west on their path to statehood.
The first principle was that of how a territory would become a state. The major idea was that once a territory reached a certain number of people, and had a state constitution, they would be welcomed into the union on equal terms. The thirteen original states decided to treat all of the other states equally. Just as the Bible says “God is no respecter of persons” all states were to be treated alike. This process of statehood also made sure that each state would have a constitution. Equality and political freedom have been key principles in our nation’s growth.
The second principle was that of the ability of each person in America to have personal property. The Ordinances provided for land at the price of one dollar per acre. The smallest section was forty acres, and almost everyone could afford that amount and be a land owner. Micah 4:4 says; “But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it” The idea of private ownership is not only American, but also Biblical. From Ohio to California, people purchased their own little piece of what is now referred to as “The American dream.”
The third principle was the concept of private Christian schools in every community. The Ordinances required one section of every town to be set aside for a school. The people were responsible to hire a teacher and build a school house. The purpose for these schools was to teach “religion, morality, and knowledge” What religion would be taught? The only religion in America at the time was Christianity. The morality of the Bible was also to be taught. The phrase that mentions the three purposes of education is found in the state constitutions of all of the states added after 1787. Isn’t it amazing that the very purpose of education in America has now been removed from the public school system? God in his mercy guided our founding fathers to write a law that would encourage economic and political freedom, and encourage education which would be centered on God’s Word.
The first principle was that of how a territory would become a state. The major idea was that once a territory reached a certain number of people, and had a state constitution, they would be welcomed into the union on equal terms. The thirteen original states decided to treat all of the other states equally. Just as the Bible says “God is no respecter of persons” all states were to be treated alike. This process of statehood also made sure that each state would have a constitution. Equality and political freedom have been key principles in our nation’s growth.
The second principle was that of the ability of each person in America to have personal property. The Ordinances provided for land at the price of one dollar per acre. The smallest section was forty acres, and almost everyone could afford that amount and be a land owner. Micah 4:4 says; “But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it” The idea of private ownership is not only American, but also Biblical. From Ohio to California, people purchased their own little piece of what is now referred to as “The American dream.”
The third principle was the concept of private Christian schools in every community. The Ordinances required one section of every town to be set aside for a school. The people were responsible to hire a teacher and build a school house. The purpose for these schools was to teach “religion, morality, and knowledge” What religion would be taught? The only religion in America at the time was Christianity. The morality of the Bible was also to be taught. The phrase that mentions the three purposes of education is found in the state constitutions of all of the states added after 1787. Isn’t it amazing that the very purpose of education in America has now been removed from the public school system? God in his mercy guided our founding fathers to write a law that would encourage economic and political freedom, and encourage education which would be centered on God’s Word.
Monday, July 27, 2009
David and Goliath part two
Just about everyone is familiar with the story of David and Goliath. We all tend to root for the underdog when watching a competition between two people or two groups where one seems to be superior to the other. When studying the Revolutionary war we see such a match up. Great Britain was the most powerful nation in the world. They had the greatest navy, and controlled much of the known world. The American colonies had no navy, no army, and no experience in battle. The minute men were farmers who took time off to practice drilling, but they knew little of military life or tactics. How were the Americans able to defeat such a Goliath? I believe the answer is found by seeing God’s hand in American history once again. During the time that the Revolutionary war was going on, Britain was involved in wars with several other countries. Britain’s best generals and soldiers were busy fighting in other wars and were not available to fight in America. The British were so low in numbers of soldiers, they were forced to hire mercenary soldiers known as Hessians. God allowed America to fight Britain at just the perfect time in history. When General Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington after the battle of Yorktown, there were still thousands of British troops that were still at large. These troops simply went up to Canada to wait for the American experiment of self government to fail. Under these circumstances, it would have seemed obvious that Britain would be very difficult when it came time to make a treaty. However, to the American’s surprise, the British offered one of the most generous treaties of all time. The Americans had asked simply for all of the land to the Appalachian mountains. Instead the British offered all of the land to the Mississippi River. In other words, we got twice as much land as we were asking for, even though we had not really defeated Britain. How can this incredible generosity be explained. I believe it is explained in the fact that it was God’s will for America to have all of the Continental United States. The Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary war, was God’s instrument to begin the process of God giving us all of the Continental United States. When King Saul asked David how it was possible for him to have a chance against a giant, David replied; “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” When the United States (David) took on Britain(Goliath), the key to our victory was the fact that God delivered us from the hand of the enemy
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pride leads to treason
One of the most tragic stories in American history is the rise and fall of Benedict Arnold. Today, the very mention of his name brings to mind treachery and deceit. That was not always true, for there was a time when Benedict Arnold was considered an American hero. Benedict Arnold had helped Ethan Allen win a victory at Fort Ticonderoga. His heroics provided America with much needed cannons, in order to carry out the siege of Boston. Later in the war Benedict Arnold helped General Gates win the Battle of Saratoga. During the battle Arnold was wounded and his absence kept the American troops from gaining a completely decisive victory. After the battle Gates and Benedict Arnold argued concerning the battle strategy. Gates not only left out any mention in his report of Arnold’s role in the battle, but he also relieved him of his command. This event caused Benedict Arnold to decide to become a traitor. He also needed money, but the main reason for his betrayal seems to be his pride that was wounded by General Gates. The Bible has numerous warnings concerning Pride. Proverbs 11:2 says; “ When pride comes, then comes dishonor.” Proverbs 16:18 says; “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before stumbling.” Benedict Arnold allowed pride to send him over to the other side, and begin working with the enemy. Benedict Arnold was able to persuade General Washington to put him in command of West Point. He planned to turn West point over to the British. This would have basically cut the United States in half, and may have given the British the advantage they needed for victory. God intervened by allowing Arnold’s plan to be discovered. Just before the agreed upon time for turning over West Point, John Andres was caught with a copy of the plans. Andres was found guilty of treason, and hanged. Benedict Arnold heard of Andres’ capture, and fled to the British for protection. He ended up leading several battles for the British side. At the end of the war he moved to England. There he died a lonely, unhappy, and broken man. The British did not trust someone who had sold out his own country. He truly had become a man without a country. Had Benedict Arnold not given in to his injured pride, he may have been remembered as a great leader, along side of our other founding fathers. Instead, he is remembered as a traitor who almost cost the Americans their chance for freedom in the Revolutionary War.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Independence and dependence
The year 1776 is a year that every American recognizes as the Birthday of our country. However, many are not aware of God’s hand in two other events in that year. George Washington and his troops found themselves trapped on Long Island by the British forces led by General Howe. Washington had 8,000 men and the English forces surrounded him in a semi-circle. Behind him the British ships were preparing to cut off any attempt at retreat. Washington devised a strategy, that by man’s standards seemed impossible. He collected every boat he could find and set out to remove his troops at night. Surely the British would see the ships in the moonlight, or hear the oars of dozens of ships splashing in the water. Historian John Fiske wrote about this event and said this, “The Americans had been remarkably favored by the sudden rise of a fog which covered the East River.” The next morning the British were shocked to see that the American troops had seemingly vanished. This opportunity for the British to finish off their enemy and end the war would never come again. God had guided the mind of Washington, silenced the oars, and blinded the eyes of the enemy.
A second event that took place in 1776 was the Battle of Trenton. The American troops were getting ready to prepare for Winter. Washington knew that many of his men were discouraged and that many were considering leaving. The only hope for the Colonial army to stay together was to win a victory. On Christmas day, Washington moved his troops toward the Delaware River. The troops made the dangerous crossing without losing one man. How was it possible for all of these boats to cross an icy river in pitch black? The only explanation is the protection of an all powerful God. If the American soldiers had been seen crossing, they would have been easily captured. The Hessian soldiers who were in the fort at Trenton had been celebrating Christmas and were completely surprised by Washington’s men. The Hessians were routed, and the Americans experienced their first great victory over the forces of the British. There is a famous picture of George Washington kneeling in the snow and praying after he crossed the Delaware. No doubt he was thanking God for giving him the plan and protecting his men from a very dangerous situation, and for giving him a great victory. 1776 was the year we declared our independence, but it was also the year we learned our dependence on God.
A second event that took place in 1776 was the Battle of Trenton. The American troops were getting ready to prepare for Winter. Washington knew that many of his men were discouraged and that many were considering leaving. The only hope for the Colonial army to stay together was to win a victory. On Christmas day, Washington moved his troops toward the Delaware River. The troops made the dangerous crossing without losing one man. How was it possible for all of these boats to cross an icy river in pitch black? The only explanation is the protection of an all powerful God. If the American soldiers had been seen crossing, they would have been easily captured. The Hessian soldiers who were in the fort at Trenton had been celebrating Christmas and were completely surprised by Washington’s men. The Hessians were routed, and the Americans experienced their first great victory over the forces of the British. There is a famous picture of George Washington kneeling in the snow and praying after he crossed the Delaware. No doubt he was thanking God for giving him the plan and protecting his men from a very dangerous situation, and for giving him a great victory. 1776 was the year we declared our independence, but it was also the year we learned our dependence on God.
Friday, July 17, 2009
God's hand in the Seige of Boston
During the Revolutionary war, God’s hand was seen in many different ways. The siege of Boston was a great example of God’s intervention. Prior to the siege, Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen had led the American troops in capturing Fort Ticonderoga. This victory provided the colonial army with the cannons they needed to lay siege on Boston. The problem was that the cannons were 300 miles away from their destination. Henry Knox was called upon by George Washington to bring the cannons over difficult terrain and in the Winter snow. God miraculously allowed them to get over forty cannons to Boston just in time for the siege. God worked through the relentless determination of the Continental army. When the British woke up on March 5, they found the cannons aimed at them from the surrounding hills. The British general ordered his men to get to their ships to attack the Colonial army. Just as the men began to get to their boats, a great storm came and prevented them from boarding their ships. The storm lasted three days. Washington said “this most remarkable interposition of Providence is for some wise purpose, I have not a doubt.” The British fleet decided they would leave if Washington promised not to fire on them as they left, and about 170 ships sailed out of Boston Harbor on March 27. The Churches in Boston held thanksgiving services and thanked God for the victory. The Pastor who preached used the text from Exodus 14:25 “So the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel: for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians.” The Christians who lived during the Revolutionary war not only experienced God’s Providential control, but they recognized God’s working His great wonders. Have you experienced God working for you against the powers of darkness?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Was the American revolution a true revolution
When Christians study the Revolutionary war, they are often confused by the fact that our Christian nation could be founded on Rebellion. Doesn’t the Bible say that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft? Are we not commanded in Romans 13:1 to submit to all authority because all authority is ordained by God. How could God bless a nation who from the very beginning seemed to violate His Word? Over the years, I have heard many explanations as to how it was possible for God to bless the American Revolution, but none were satisfactory. I believe an all powerful God would make it possible for His Christian nation to be founded in a Biblical way. In order to have a Biblical view of the American Revolution, we need to consider several things. First of all the word revolution in 1776 meant something a little different then it does today. When the colonists talked about revolution, most of them meant a return to a previous form of government. The colonists had enjoyed a great relationship with England, known as home rule. The British protected us, and provided most of our trade, and we were loyal to the king. However, we were able to write our own laws elect our own leaders, and enjoyed almost unlimited freedom. After the French and Indian war, England began to change that relationship with taxes, troops, and tea. All the colonists wanted was a return to home rule. The greatest proof of this was the Olive Branch petition. This document was sent to king George III after the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Basically it said that if the king removed his troops and allowed them to return to home rule, they would return to being his loyal subjects. They specifically said that they did not want independence. This was in May of 1775. What happened in the following year that made them change their minds so dramatically? The answer is found in King George’s reply to the Olive branch petition. The king and Parliament decided to force the colonists to give up their attempt to regain their freedom. They passed a law known as the Prohibitory Act of 1775. This law prohibited trade with the colonies and inadvertently removed America out of England’s control and authority. God in His wisdom and mercy had provided a way for America to declare its independence without being in rebellion to established authority. When Thomas Jefferson listed the reasons for America declaring its independence, he alluded to the Prohibitory act at least 3 times. “For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world.” In another part of the Declaration he stats, “He has abdicated government here, withdrawing his governors and declaring us out of his allegiance and protection.” It is clear that Jefferson and our other founding fathers understood what the Prohibitory act had done. Christians can never take matters into their own hands and get rid of their authority. Praise God that because of His intervention, our countries founders did not have to rebel against England in order to begin a new nation under God.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
God's hand in three key battles
Just prior to the beginning of the Revolutionary war, God showed His hand in American History in three specific battles. The first occurred in 1746 when France sent half of its fleet to America to conquer the colonists and establish a Roman Catholic colony. I first read about this event in”The American Covenant” by Marshall Forster and Mary-Elaine Swanson. Since that first encounter of reading about this event, I read about it in several other books, including Noah Webster’s book on American history. I mention this because this event is not covered in any history book I have ever studied. On June 20, 1746, a fleet of about seventy ships set sail for New England. At first they encountered a long delay due to calm winds, and then a tremendous storm that destroyed many of the ships. When the French finally reached America, they found that their reinforcements had left and returned to the West Indies. During this time about 3,000 men died from a pestilence. Finally, another large storm came and completely destroyed what was left of the might armada. While all of this was going on, Churches all over New England had been fasting and praying for God to deliver the colonies. Remember, at this time America was a group of independent colonies and had no navy to defend them. God gave us a great victory without firing a shot. I am reminded of a verse in Exodus 14:14 that says; “The Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace.” Sometimes our best plan for victory is to let the Lord fight on our behalf.
The second battle took place during the French and Indian war. During the battle of Fort Duquesne, the British were being slaughtered by the enemy. George Washington had several horses shot out from under him, and found bullet holes in his hat and coat. Several years latter an Indian chief came up to Washington and said “you are the great leader who cannot die”. Washington asked him for an explanation. The chief said that during the battle of Fort Duquesne, he had instructed his braves to shoot the tall white leader. He said that they counted at least 15 shots that went into Washington but he did not go down. The chief said he told his men to stop shooting and concluded that the Great Spirit had his hand on Washington. George Washington realized that God had spared his life in order to accomplish some great purpose in days to come.
The third battle was also during the French and Indian War in the Battle of Quebec. This battle was the key battle of the war. Whoever won this battle would be the ultimate victor of the War. This battle would decide if America would be Catholic and French, or protestant and British. God’s hand was seen in several key parts of the battle. First of all, the British came up with the idea of flying French flags on their ships as they reached the French guides that piloted the ships through the shoals. The English captured the French pilots, and forced them to guide their ships to a position to lay siege on Quebec. The French tried to break up the siege by sending fire ships into the British ships. However, the fire ships blew up prematurely and the British suffered no losses. The third way God intervened was when the the landing party sent by the British was discovered by the French. The leader of the landing party spoke French and said they were there to deliver supplies. The French actually were expecting a delivery at that place and time. By the time the French discovered they had been deceived, they were overpowered, and the landing party was able to make preparation for the attack on the Plains of Abraham. The British won the victory and the war. These three battles demonstrate the fact that God has been working to accomplish His will in American history.
The second battle took place during the French and Indian war. During the battle of Fort Duquesne, the British were being slaughtered by the enemy. George Washington had several horses shot out from under him, and found bullet holes in his hat and coat. Several years latter an Indian chief came up to Washington and said “you are the great leader who cannot die”. Washington asked him for an explanation. The chief said that during the battle of Fort Duquesne, he had instructed his braves to shoot the tall white leader. He said that they counted at least 15 shots that went into Washington but he did not go down. The chief said he told his men to stop shooting and concluded that the Great Spirit had his hand on Washington. George Washington realized that God had spared his life in order to accomplish some great purpose in days to come.
The third battle was also during the French and Indian War in the Battle of Quebec. This battle was the key battle of the war. Whoever won this battle would be the ultimate victor of the War. This battle would decide if America would be Catholic and French, or protestant and British. God’s hand was seen in several key parts of the battle. First of all, the British came up with the idea of flying French flags on their ships as they reached the French guides that piloted the ships through the shoals. The English captured the French pilots, and forced them to guide their ships to a position to lay siege on Quebec. The French tried to break up the siege by sending fire ships into the British ships. However, the fire ships blew up prematurely and the British suffered no losses. The third way God intervened was when the the landing party sent by the British was discovered by the French. The leader of the landing party spoke French and said they were there to deliver supplies. The French actually were expecting a delivery at that place and time. By the time the French discovered they had been deceived, they were overpowered, and the landing party was able to make preparation for the attack on the Plains of Abraham. The British won the victory and the war. These three battles demonstrate the fact that God has been working to accomplish His will in American history.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The first Great Awakening
According to Webster’s dictionary, revival means “to restore, refresh, or to return to life. Simply put, revival takes place when God’s people return to their previous relationship and commitment to God. When God sent a message to the Church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:4, He said “I have somewhat against you, that you have left your first love.” This has been the problem for individual Christians, Churches, as well as nations. From the years 1720 to 1750 America experienced a revival nationwide called the first Great Awakening. The early part of the revival was led by Gilbert and William Tennent. William Tennent founded a college in New jersey known as the Log college. This school was able to produce many Godly preachers who renewed Godly preaching in America. The two greatest preachers of the Great Awakening where Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. God gave Edwards a great intellect and He gave Whitefield a great ability in speaking. The key to the Revival was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Today people read the sermons of these great preachers, and remain unmoved. When Jonathon Edwards read his famous sermon “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”, people were crying out for Spiritual help so loudly, he would have to stop speaking and ask someone to take them outside to help them deal with their need for Christ’s forgiveness. The Great Awakening had profound effects on America. First of all, about fifteen percent of the Colonial population was saved. That may not sound impressive, but if it happened in America in today’s population, that would be about 40 million people saved. There was a new interest in Missions in America after the revival. David Brainerd was perhaps the best known of this new wave of missionaries. More Christian colleges were founded and the teaching of Deism almost disappeared. Perhaps the greatest effect of the Awakening was the way it prepared our founding fathers. Most of the men who led our country to independence were in their formative years during the Great Awakening. Many of our Nations leaders were either saved or brought back to God just before the War for Independence. God knew we would need a strong Biblical foundation as we fought England and had to develop a new system of self government. America returned to its first love, and the great experiment of political, economic, educational, and religious freedom was allowed to continue.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The world's oldest rollercoaster
The world’s oldest rollercoaster is not found in any amusement park, but in the Spiritual history of the United States. Since the great Spiritual fervor of the early Colonial period, America has been up and down spiritually as a nation. From 1607-1670, there was a great emphasis on the Word of God, witnessing, prayer, and living a Godly life. However, in the late 1600s, many turned to material things, strong drink, crime, superstition, and Enlightenment thinking. One example of how things had deteriorated, was the Salem witch trials of 1691. Twenty innocent people were put to death based on the accusations of two girls who claimed to see aberrations hovering over each victim. Crime became so prevalent that punishments like the pillory, scarlet letter, and the branks mask were needed to keep some semblance of order. Another part of the Spiritual decline was the Enlightenment of 1688. When it first started, it was an attempt to understand creation and God with the help of reason and logic. However, reason and logic soon took over and faith in God was seen as irrelevant to the pursuit of truth. Deism and Unitarianism became the popular philosophy and religion of the day. The Church even contributed to this Spiritual decline by introducing the Half-way Covenant. This allowed children of Church goers to become members of the Church even if they were not saved. Within one generation, Churches were full of unsaved members. One person who visited a Christian church during this time said it was difficult to tell what religion the Church was due to the fact that Christ, sin, or the Bible, were never mentioned. It appeared that America was heading for judgement from God, unless there was revival. Fortunately, God in His mercy allowed America to experience the First Great Awakening. This was the beginning of the long rollercoaster ride that I alluded to earlier. The Great Awakening lasted from 1720-1750. This Spiritual revival brought America back to the place of God’s blessing. During the end of the 1700s, America again slipped into rebellion against God. This was followed by the Second Great awakening of 1795-1830. In the next two decades after the revival, America again lapsed into the spirit of Apostasy. God again mercifully allowed America to experience the Third Great Awakening from 1857-1865. During the last part of the nineteenth century, America once again feel from God’s word and God’s way. This was followed by the fourth and final Great awakening from about 1890-1920. Notice I said final, we have not experience a national revival since the 1920s. Is the Rollercoaster ride all down hill as we race to God’s judgement? I have no idea, but I believe it is still necessary to ask God for national as well as church and individual revival. Two Bible verses summarize what America has experienced Spiritually for the last 400 years. Psalm 33:12 says; “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Proverbs 14:34 says this; “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any nation.” If we as a nation want God’s hand of blessing restored to our nation, we must return to the God of our fathers.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
God gave America the gift of Christian education
“It being one chief project of that old deluder Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scripture, as in former times by keeping the Scriptures in an unknown tongue,… it is therefore ordered that every township, after the Lord hath increased them to fifty householders, shall appoint one within their town to teach all such children to write and read.” This law was known as the Old Deluder Satan Act. In the year 1647, Massachusetts Bay established mandatory Christian education. The whole purpose of education was to teach children to read and write in order to develop a Christian world view. Nine years earlier God had allowed Massachusetts to begin a college called Harvard. The college was founded by Puritans for the express purpose of training men for the ministry. In fact, of the first ten colleges founded in America, nine were founded by Religious groups. This emphasis on Christian education continued throughout the Colonial period. After the Revolutionary war, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 stated that “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” In other words, the purpose of education was to teach the Christian religion, Christian morality and knowledge. Just five years prior to this document, Noah Webster published his famous Blue-backed speller. This textbook taught Biblical truths and morality based on the Bible. The tradition of Godly textbooks continued in 1836 with the McGuffey readers. Once again the Bible and morality were emphasized in this series of textbooks. For hundreds of years, America had a rich history of teaching young minds the truth as seen in the Word of God. One of the major reasons America has experienced God’s hand of blessing is due to an educational system centered on God’s Word. Martin Luther had this to say about education; “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.” Luther understood the power of the classroom to mold young minds to God’s will or man’s will.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
God's hand with Plymouth Colony
What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you hear the word Plymouth. Perhaps you think about Pilgrims, Turkey dinner, Indians, a rock, or even a type of car. When I think of Plymouth colony, the first thing I think of is God’s Providence. One of the greatest examples of God’s hand is history is seen in the story of the Pilgrims settling Plymouth. William Bradford recorded many ways God intervened in the lives of the Pilgrims in his book “The History of Plymouth Plantation.” According to Bradford, God spared the Pilgrims as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean. During their trip, a huge storm hit and broke one of the masts. The crew found a large piece of wood to fix the mast. None of the crew knew why the wood was there, but it saved them from certain destruction. Due to the storm, they were blown 500 miles North of their intended destination. This seemingly “bad luck” allowed them to develop their own laws since their charter was no longer valid. The Mayflower Compact became the foundation in America for the concept of self government. Bradford also mentioned the arrival of an English speaking Indian, Squanto. I have always wondered what the mathematical probabilities would have been for having the one English speaking Indian in America show up at the exact spot that the Pilgrims had been accidently blown to from the storm. Squanto was from a hostile tribe in the area that had just been eradicated by a plague. Instead of finding hostile Indians in Plymouth, they found a friend who was eager to show them how to survive that first winter. William Bradford then mentioned that God helped the Pilgrims through that first awful winter. The Plymouth colony is a great lesson concerning God’s will. Even though the Pilgrims were in the Center of God’s will and God was in control of their circumstances, they still suffered greatly. The Group that came over to the New World in 1620, numbered 102. After the first winter, they numbered 51. Bradford himself lost his wife just as they landed at Plymouth Rock. At one point they quit marking the graves because they didn’t want the Indians to know how few healthy people were left. Today many Christians are being taught that to be in God’s will is a guarantee of having money and health. That does not match up with God’s word or with the history of God’s people. Instead of complaining about their suffering and hardships, the Pilgrims invited the Indians to a feast to thank God for His mercy and goodness. May we who have so much more learn to give thanks to God for all He has done and is doing for us.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Why did they come
During the 1600s the world saw a great migration from Europe to America. Why did they come? After all, it meant weeks at sea, crossing the unpredictable Atlantic ocean, hostile Indians, clearing land and leaving the life they knew. There were three events in Europe that God used to get Christians to the New World. First of all, there was the 30 years war. This war in Europe pitted Protestants against Catholics to see which group would have control. Many Protestant left and went to America during the 1618-1648 period. This is sometimes called the Great Puritan migration. The second event was the English Civil war in 1642. Oliver Cromwell and his roundheads defeated the Catholics under Charles I. However, after Cromwell died, the Stuart line came back and re-established Catholicism in England. It was during this struggle that many English Christians came to America for religious freedom. The last event was under Louis XIV of France. In 1685 he revoked civil rights for the French Protestants, which caused about half of a million of them to leave France. Many of these Huguenots came to America. With all of these Christians coming to America is it any surprise that most of the Colonies were Christian colonies. Plymouth was founded by separatist, Massachusetts Bay was founded by Puritans, Connecticut was founded by Puritans, and Rhode Island was founded by a Baptist. Religious freedom was the major motive for coming to the New World for many of our founding Fathers. God used the tumultuous events of the 1600s to bring thousands of Christians to the place He was going to make into a Christian nation. Another effect of what was going on in Europe was that it kept their attention away from what was going on in America. The colonies were allowed to develop their own Constitutions, elect their own leaders, and develop a spirit of Independence. As we consider God’s hand in bringing Christianity to America, it saddens many that Christianity is being removed from every facet of society.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Spanish Armada and a call to teach history
Even though Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, America did not have its first English permanent settlement until Jamestown in 1607. Obviously things were still not in place until the 1600s. In 1587 a group from England tried to plant a colony at Roanoke. Many of the leaders of the colony were forced to return to England because of an impending war. When these leaders returned to the colony a few years later, it was completely gone. Hence the name “The lost colony”. I believe the real reason the colony was unsuccessful was due to the fact that one last piece of the puzzle had to be completed. In 1588 the Spanish decided to send a mighty Armada of 130 ships to take over England. Spain was a Catholic country, and wanted to take control of Protestant England. Whoever won the war would be the country to settle America. As the Spanish Armada got to the English coast, the winds died down and favored the smaller English ships. As the Spanish retreated, a huge storm came and blew many of their ships into the rocks by the shore. They referred to this event as the Protestant winds, and England won a great victory. England would become the mistress of the sea and twenty years later, would begin successful settlement of America. This great example of God’s hand in history has always had a special place in my life. About 35 years ago I was unsure what God wanted me to do with my life. The college I was attending made all of the students attend a teacher’s conference one weekend. While I was walking around at the conference I just happened to come across a workshop about God and History. The speaker was telling about God’s hand in the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the Protestant winds. It was so exciting to see that history truly was His-story. God used that workshop to show me that he wanted me to be a history teacher who would teach young people to see God in history. Was it just coincidence that I walked into that workshop? No, God works in every event in our lives just as He has worked in the past. Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a God man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.” How has God been working in your life?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Second Look at Columbus
A few months ago I read an interesting observation about Christopher Columbus. When he left from Spain he did not know where he was going, when he got to America he did not know where he was, and when he returned to Spain he did not know where he had been. While this may be true, it certainly does not tell the whole story of Christopher Columbus. Many historians have criticized Columbus for being greedy, arrogant , and some even blame him for bringing disease and death to the Native Americans. What is the truth about the man who is credited for discovering America? Here are some things we do know about Columbus. First of all, he claimed to be a follower of Christ. He was an avid student of the Bible, and he even wrote a book on Biblical Prophecy. He believed that Christ was going to return when the Holy land was taken back from the Muslims. This explains his desire for wealth, he planned to finance a Crusade. The major motive for Columbus to take on this venture, seems to have come from his study of the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 42:10-12 he saw God commanding him to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Islands. Isaiah 24:15-17 instructed him to take God’s word to those who lived on the Islands of the East. Columbus also had read the account of the travels of Marco Polo in China. He read that Marco Polo had promised to return to China with Bibles. Columbus took 100 Bibles to give to the Kahn of China when he reached his intended destination. This commitment to spreading the gospel to the lost in China and the Indies helps us understand his unfailing commitment to reach the Far East. Columbus was the unlikely tool God chose to use in order to open up two unknown Continents. How could God use an ignorant, selfish, proud man to accomplish His will? I Corinthians 1:27 says that God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. As it turns out Columbus wasn’t that much different from any of us who would seek to know and do the will of God. After all, isn’t that the definition of success, knowing and doing the will of God.
Monday, June 15, 2009
God's preparation of Europe for coming to the New World
One of the ways that God’s hand can be seen in history, is in the way He brings everything together in the perfect time. In Galatians 4:4, it says that Christ was sent to the world in the fullness of time. In the same way, America was discovered and settled in the perfect time. A man by the name of Leif Ericson discovered the New World in about 1,000 A.D. However, America was not rediscovered by Columbus until 1492. Why did it take almost 500 years for a person to come back to America? I believe the answer to be found in God’s timing. Europe had to be prepared economically, educationally, politically, and Spiritually, in order for God to allow the discovery and settlement of America.
During the Dark ages, Europe was in a period of economic stagnation. Many of the people of Europe had embraced some form of the Feudal system. One feature of this system was the barter system in which people exchanged goods instead of using money. Most of the serfs lived lives of poverty with no hope of escaping their condition. In 1100 A.D. the Pope declared a series of Crusades against the Muslims in order to take back the Holy Land. Although none of the Crusades were particularly successful to this end, they did accomplish God’s will. Many of the men who took part in the Crusades saw the silks and spices from the far East and desired them for their people. This led to Europe being forced to use money again, and eventually led to increased wealth for Europe. By the time of Columbus, the Feudal system was gone and the principles of private ownership and individual responsibility were ready to be established.
In 1000 A.D. Europe’s education consisted of training people for their jobs. If you were a serf, you would learn how to farm, make tools, work with your hands and take care of your lord. If you were a Knight, you would learn all of the skills required for battle and Tournaments. In 1300A.D. The Renaissance began, and people were encouraged to think and study. In 1440, Gutenberg invented the printing press. Now the average person could afford to buy books, which encouraged the teaching of reading and writing in Europe. By the 1500s, people were much more educated, and many were beginning to question much of what had been taught for centuries.
During the time of Leif Ericson, the political power was in the hands of a few. Either a king or a lord would control the lives of the masses. In 1215 King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Charta. This document not only placed the king under the law, but established such rights as trial by jury, no taxation without representation. In 1300 King Edward I established modal Parliament, which laid the foundation of self government. By the time Jamestown was settled, the concepts of freedom and self government were being widely discussed.
The last way that God prepared Europe for coming to the New World, was the Spiritual changes that had to take place. In the 1000-1500 period, Europe was controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. As people read God’s word, many began to question many of the teachings of the Church. Among those people was a monk named Martin Luther. In 1517, he posted his 95 thesis against the practice of indulgences. This began the movement known as the Reformation. The major feature of the movement was the belief that salvation was by faith alone and not of works. For many years Catholics and Protestants fought wars over their differences. Many of the people who came to America were Protestants who were coming for religious freedom.
When Europe was ready in the four ways that I have mentioned God allowed Columbus and many other explorers to come to America. I remember reading a statement by one early explorer who said it was if there had been a giant hand in front of America for hundreds of years, and suddenly after Columbus, it was lifted. He had it right, God allowed America to be discovered and settled at the perfect time for it to be wealthy, educated, free, and Spiritually strong.
During the Dark ages, Europe was in a period of economic stagnation. Many of the people of Europe had embraced some form of the Feudal system. One feature of this system was the barter system in which people exchanged goods instead of using money. Most of the serfs lived lives of poverty with no hope of escaping their condition. In 1100 A.D. the Pope declared a series of Crusades against the Muslims in order to take back the Holy Land. Although none of the Crusades were particularly successful to this end, they did accomplish God’s will. Many of the men who took part in the Crusades saw the silks and spices from the far East and desired them for their people. This led to Europe being forced to use money again, and eventually led to increased wealth for Europe. By the time of Columbus, the Feudal system was gone and the principles of private ownership and individual responsibility were ready to be established.
In 1000 A.D. Europe’s education consisted of training people for their jobs. If you were a serf, you would learn how to farm, make tools, work with your hands and take care of your lord. If you were a Knight, you would learn all of the skills required for battle and Tournaments. In 1300A.D. The Renaissance began, and people were encouraged to think and study. In 1440, Gutenberg invented the printing press. Now the average person could afford to buy books, which encouraged the teaching of reading and writing in Europe. By the 1500s, people were much more educated, and many were beginning to question much of what had been taught for centuries.
During the time of Leif Ericson, the political power was in the hands of a few. Either a king or a lord would control the lives of the masses. In 1215 King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Charta. This document not only placed the king under the law, but established such rights as trial by jury, no taxation without representation. In 1300 King Edward I established modal Parliament, which laid the foundation of self government. By the time Jamestown was settled, the concepts of freedom and self government were being widely discussed.
The last way that God prepared Europe for coming to the New World, was the Spiritual changes that had to take place. In the 1000-1500 period, Europe was controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. As people read God’s word, many began to question many of the teachings of the Church. Among those people was a monk named Martin Luther. In 1517, he posted his 95 thesis against the practice of indulgences. This began the movement known as the Reformation. The major feature of the movement was the belief that salvation was by faith alone and not of works. For many years Catholics and Protestants fought wars over their differences. Many of the people who came to America were Protestants who were coming for religious freedom.
When Europe was ready in the four ways that I have mentioned God allowed Columbus and many other explorers to come to America. I remember reading a statement by one early explorer who said it was if there had been a giant hand in front of America for hundreds of years, and suddenly after Columbus, it was lifted. He had it right, God allowed America to be discovered and settled at the perfect time for it to be wealthy, educated, free, and Spiritually strong.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A Providential View of History
How many times have you heard that History is His-story? I heard it a lot in my Christian high school, but I never saw any evidence to show that it was true. Being a Christian highschool history teacher for the last 30 years has allowed me to find many examples of God's hand in history. When you get right down to it, there are really only two major ways to view history. There is the man centered approach, and the Providential or God centered approach. The man centered approach says history repeats itself, or there is no significance in studying history, or perhaps all history is a struggle between the rich and the poor. The Providential view says that an all knowing, all Powerful, all present God, created and controls all things for His own Glory and pleasure. Every event in history is designed and controlled by God for our good and His Glory. With this view of history we should constantly see examples of Gods' intervention and moving. There are some Christians who balk at this idea, and insist that God only deals with the big issues, and leaves the rest up to us. In the weeks to come, I would like to give many examples of God working in America's history. My prayer is that as people see God working in our nation's past, they will begin to look for Him working in their own lives. Romans 8:28 reminds us that all things are working together for good to those who love God. Psalm 77:11 says "I shall remember the works of the Lord, surely I will remember Thy wonders of old."
History finds its meaning and significance in seeing God's hand in the wonders of old.
History finds its meaning and significance in seeing God's hand in the wonders of old.
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